Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Merry New Year in Sucre

31 Dec 2011 - 02 Jan 2012 – Sucre, BoliviaI would do anything for you, Foster the People

With our trip having started in super exciting style we flew across the night through the dirtiest and highest capital in the world and onto one of the prettiest in South America at Sucre. It was one of those special 12 hour bus rides, where just 10 minutes before departure you feel a strange rumble emanating from my guts. Not fun, Imodium is a true hero.


Sucre is a beautiful city. It was built by the Spanish settlers around 1550 and was the birthplace and capital of Bolivia until recently. It is a very important and beautiful place, the buildings are colonial and grand as was fitting for the Spanish of the new world. Unlimited funds rolled through the city from the nearby mines in Potosi.

La Paz bus station never looked better. We had 4 hours to kill before our bus, I unfortunately took the wrong option and ate the cordon blue before travelling at olivers travels.
The first thing we did when we got to Sucre was to ring back to NZ and tell mum about these cool dinosaur phones
In the center of the market there is a large plaza surrounded by fruit stands which make juice and salads. You can buy the best orange juice in the world here for about 50 cents.
The central park is a nice place to chill out. It was all fancied up for the new years celebrations.
One of the attractions in Sucre, are the dinosaur footprints and fossils. At the dino park they even recreate the monsters in the wild, here they are practicing butt munching
And another thing worth checking in Sucre is the graveyard. It is a beautiful place filled with crypts from the olden Spanish times set in lush manicured gardens.
And luckily for us it was New Years Eve!! We partied hard at the Florin, a dutch pub with great food.
And made some new years crazee friends  too.

All in all a nice place definitely worthy of a visit, I even considered staying and studying here for a few months.


Here Sarita is on the top of the school/nunnery, which is marvous restored.


Reporting from : Vilas de Atlantico, Salvador, Brazil

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